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Can I pay my annual homeowners dues online, or do I have to mail in a check?

You may pay your annual homeowners dues either way, by check or online. To pay online, or find additional information -- including how to contact property manger, simply click here for details.


How can I get involved?

The Observation Pointe Homeowners Association (HOA) is run entirely by volunteers – neighbors who want to promote the concept of “community,” get to know their neighbors, and protect the neighborhood’s property values. The Board of Directors, the Architectural Control Committee, the Party Committee, the Newsletter editor, the Webmaster, etc., all offer their time and talent without compensation. The best way to get involved is to keep abreast of what’s going on by attending the Annual Members’ Meeting in April of each year, the quarterly board meetings, reading the newsletters, becoming familiar with the Covenants and Restrictions, and offering to help out when a need arises. Volunteer. Another good way to be involved in keeping our neighborhood neat and attractive is by keeping your yard mowed, your sidewalks edged, and your trees and bushes trimmed.


How are board members selected?

Board members are elected at the Annual Members Meeting in April of each year, that’s why it is critical that all homeowners attend the April meeting! If you would like to place your name, or someone else’s name, in nomination for the board, click here


May I attend the quarterly board meetings too?

Yes! Homeowners may attend the Annual Members’ Meeting in April of each year as well as the quarterly board meetings. We will post the date, time and location of all meeting on this website. To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to speak, speakers are asked to limit their comments to three minutes. Click here to read more. 


How are members of the Architectural Committee selected?

Members of the Architectural Control Committee are appointed by the Board.


When are our annual assessments (dues) due?

Annual assessments (dues) of $250 are due January 1 of each year.  Payment for annual assessments will not be considered late until February 15.  A service charge of five percent (5%) will be added to payments received after March 2.  Click here to read more.


Do I need permission from the Architectural Control Committee before I alter the exterior appearance of my house?

The short answer is – most likely.  The obligation of the homeowner to seek permission from the ACC prior to altering the appearance of one’s house is laid out in several places in the Observation Pointe Covenants and Restrictions, most particularly in Articles 15 and 25.  The purpose of the ACC is to preserve a harmonious design for the community and to protect the value of the property for everyone.  The general idea is that in order to keep some semblance of uniformity and balance within the neighborhood, homeowners must receive advance approval from the ACC before any exterior work is done.  Some examples of modifications requiring prior ACC approval that are contained elsewhere in the Observation Pointe Covenants and Restrictions are:

  • Erecting “accessory structures,” such as storage sheds (Article 7, section 7.2)

  • Location of satellite dishes (Article 10, section 10.1)

  • Alterations in the exterior shape, color, or appearance of the residence (Article 25)

  • Alterations to fences (Articles 23 and 25)


Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.  Please refer to your Covenants and Restrictions for your specific plans.  If you are planning an alteration to the exterior of your house, you can print an ACC Request Form (Exterior Modification Application) by clicking here.


Can I cut down a tree in my yard?

Article Eighteen of the Covenants and Restrictions says living trees with a trunk diameter of eighteen (18) inches or greater (measured three feet up from the ground) require approval in writing by the Architectural Control Committee before they may be cut or removed.  Living trees with a trunk diameter of less than eighteen (18) inches do not require approval by the Architectural Control Committee before they may be cut or removed.” Click here to read more.


What does our property manager do?

The property manager is hired by the board of directors and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the HOA, assisting the board with such things as:

  • Collecting annual assessments (dues)

  • Enforcing provisions of the covenants and restrictions for the HOA

  • Paying taxes on common areas

  • Contracting for insurance on behalf of the association

  • Contracting for goods or services for the common areas

  • Attending meetings of the HOA

  • Keeping meeting minutes and HOA documents

  • Preparing budgets and financial statements for the association



Who do I contact if I have issues or concerns that pertain to Observation Pointe?

All issues, concerns, and comments are initially handled by our property manager.  If necessary, she will notify others as needed.  Simply click here to communicate your comments, issues, or concerns.


Do I have to wait until the Annual Meeting of Members in April to raise an issue that pertains to the Observation Pointe community?

No!  Homeowners have several ways to voice comments, issues, or concerns they have that pertain to the community throughout the year.  The easiest method is to simply click here to communicate your comments, issues, or concerns.  They will be forwarded first to the property manager, and then to someone else if appropriate.  Another way is to attend any of the quarterly board meetings and speak during the “New business” portion of the meeting, after the items on the agenda have been addressed.  And, of course, you can always attend the Annual Meeting of Members in April to raise an issue that pertains to the Observation Pointe community. 


What is Nextdoor and why don't we use it for HOA business, such as posting minutes from the board meetings?

Nextdoor is a free, private social network that about two-thirds of our homeowners already use.  It is used to:

  • Quickly get the word out about security concerns

  • Track down a trustworthy babysitter

  • Find out who does the best paint job in town

  • Ask for help keeping an eye out for a lost dog

  • Find a new home for an outgrown bike

We encourage you to use Nextdoor.  We are prohibited by Florida law, however, from posting Observation Pointe HOA business that will go to some, but not all, of our Observation Pointe homeowners.  If you would like to connect to your neighbors via Nextdoor, click here.


What can I do about barking dogs or other pet nuisances?

Call the CITY OF TALLAHASSEE ANIMAL CONTROL.  Their M-F 8:00-5:00 number is (850) 891-2958.  After hours regarding sick, injured, or aggressive animals, call (850) 606-5800. 


What kind of mailbox may I install?

The Architectural Control Committee developed uniform mailbox and post standards for use in Observation Pointe. All three ACC-approved mailboxes and posts are black and made of metal or plastic. Two of the three approved styles are the “old” and “new” mailboxes that currently exist in the neighborhood. The third one is similar to the “new” style, but less expensive. To see the approved mailboxes and posts and where you can purchase them, click here.







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